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Showing posts from January 23, 2011

Pretty Pages

    If you want some blog and web-candy, check out some of my favorite sites.  Some are wedding idea sites, and some are just plain pretty.  Style Me Pretty is a definite necessary website to check out for anyone planning a wedding or something fancy.  Tons of ideas, pretty pictures and also local vendors can be found on this beauty of a site!. Eat Drink Pretty Fresh from St. Paul! Another blogilicious page that has all kinds of creative, delicious and beautiful ideas. Little Birdie Secrets is a new one for me, but it has all kinds of crafty ideas for any occasion.  What I'm admiring are the organza flower tutorials .

Prelude for the Pump

With the purchase of my new Animas Ping pump, it had the ezManager Max software available for me.  This is a software program that uploads data from my meter and pump and spits out graphs and such.  What I discovered when monkeying around, is that I can change the tune that my pump plays when it alarms.  Right now it's a classic piano song that can be a little annoying... What I discovered, is...YOU CAN COMPOSE YOUR OWN MUSIC AND IT WILL PLAY IT!  Absolutely amazing.  You literally type in the notes on the music lines and it will play insulin pump that is like a player  Very cool.  I suggest that anyone who has this software try it!

Battery Poaching

      So I am not a battery person, I shall rephrase, my fiance and I are not battery people.  We don't have a "supply."  We have poached any and all batteries in the house for the TV remotes and the wireless mouse and swap with the digital camera when needed.  We're out.       Come last night when we're in the middle of trying to cut our cats claws (more on that bugger some other time,) and I start beeping loud.  My pump does I mean.  Scares the cat, so he gets another Pounce treat...I check what the hell is the matter with the pump and it says low battery.  Crap.  I have yet to purchase the expensive, special lithium batteries for this sucker.  So, I forget for the moment and continue torturing my kitty.  He was fine after many Pounces...      Thirty mins later, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!  Remember that I need to go to Target...check the pump and bam! "Battery dead, I refuse to give you anymore insulin 'cause you didn't pay attention to me!"  (or som