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Showing posts from March 18, 2012

Tandoori Chicken & Vince Neil

Dinner plans for this evening entail tandoori chicken, homemade flatbread, grilled peppers and tzatziki dip.  I will be in my raincoat at the grill. I'll take pics and blog about it this weekend, as I'm going to go see Vince Neil in concert on Friday night!

Spring and Summer Goals

1. Keep creating and nurturing a wonderful marriage. 2. Get over and done with my carpal tunnel surgery as quick as I can and get my hand strength back quickly so I can do the following: 3. Plant my garden smartly and seasonally so I can reap the benefits. 4. Have lots of fun with my sister and little nephew at the "Pond" this year :) 5. Keep my diabetes numbers under good and get better control in preparations for kids! 6. Enjoy the sun and neighborly fun we are always sure to have. 7. Finish my Hoosier Cabinet! 8. Bake more. 9. But less packaged food. 10. Can and freeze all that I can.

Raking is a Pain in my Arms...

It was amazingly gorgeous out this weekend in normally-cold MN (it was hot!) and my messy garden was calling.  So I raked up the rest of the dead stuff and pulled out plants that were missed last fall.  I took it slow and tried not to over-use my arms because I have carpal tunnel issues in both wrists.  And it doesn't make your wrists hurt at all, its your arms and elbows that are aching, the hands are numb to the point of pain and everything swells up. Well, early Sunday morning around 3:45 am I wake up and with excruciating pain in my left arm, so much that I took a leftover Vicodin from my hubby's back injury supply and proceeded to go downstairs to keen and curl up in the fetal position on the couch with my arm hanging over the edge, to wait it out with a Law & Order marathon on TNT.  The meds finally kicked in after and hour and a half and I could go back to sleep fitfully as the pain doesn't go away totally, just enough to relax and go to sleep. I have surgery