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Showing posts from May 22, 2011

Nice Legs...

I've been meaning to write triumphantly about Inset sites I've been randomly trying.  Yesterday, I used the front of my thigh, which I have done two times in the past and am quite liking it still.  I actually never used my legs when doing injections before.  They just seemed to hurt too much.  No pain here, besides the tugging from almost getting pulled out by my pants (the jeans did succeed once) or undies, but nothing a Hello Kitty bandaide can't help out and support!   Don't be scared by the white, MN skin; it hasn't seen sunshine yet this year ;)  ---Aside: my dad has given my sisters and I boxes of Hello Kitty Bandaids for years in our Christmas bags.  We generally only use them when they are visible to others, since they're cute.  Anyone seen or heard of extremely weird pump sites being used or rigging of the Inset/site to keep it attached in rough terrain? 

What a Treasure I Have on My Hands!

After an extremely busy week and weekend of my step-sister's wedding, I was finally able to start stripping my cabinet last night.  Trust me, it took Jeff and I a lot of elbow grease and strength to get the hardware and doors off of this piece.  I started with the cabinet door just to try and get the garish, red paint off of it and was absolutely amazed to see the shadows of an etched design on the glass that was underneath!  I've shown a picture from my cell phone of the first view of the design.  I was seriously giddy...Jeff and the neighbor guy were watching and may have thought I a bit nutty to get so excited over an old cabinet! This was only the back side of the glass, as the front was still covered in a layer of paint.  I can't believe someone painted over this!  Once it was cleaned up a bit more on both sides, I could see that the etching was still in amazing shape, no scratches that jump out so far.   I need to get my digital camera batteried up so can take some d