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Showing posts from March 11, 2012

The Cheerios Mystery

I like plain Cheerios and apparently my body does too, as in hardly any insulin needed!  For some reason, the 25-35 grams of carbs (sometimes I eat more than the 1 svg or I drink the milk) that are ingested on a Cheerio day reacts like I only ate maybe 10-15.  I have finally realized that and only bolus 3/4s of what is usually required for that amount of carbs.  Makes me feel like the ol' pancreas is working sometimes... Anybody else have a food that acts back-a$$ backwards for insulin needs? My new website and blog are coming along swimmingly!  I'm going to work on it a lot this weekend-though it going to be in the 70s might make that hard!

Like my new blog?

I've decided to change my blog name, as I find myself talking more about food and gardening than JUST diabetes.  I wanted to have more of a concrete theme that had room for a bigger variety of stories.  I obviously will never be un-diabetic, so it will rear it's ugly head in more than one story I'm sure.  I'm looking to redesign my blog too, so I can better organize it and sort my posts.  Thanks for still following you 6 people, and hopefully there will be more soon!

It is Spring!

I planted onion seeds on our anniversary in late February.  I'm so romantic.  Never knew that onions unfolded and the seed ends up in the air... They are now about 3 inches tall.  My plan is to grow them and transplant into the new raised beds I am creating this year.  They probably will get leggy, but I'll plant some seeds also to get a staggered harvest and see how they grow.    I also built a little green house out of "culled" (love that term) scraps from the Home Despot, leftover plastic window insulation and some plumbing pieces.  It's a bit wonky, but don't hate on creativity! Chamomile has also chosen to make an appearance.  I'm going to plant as much as I can in my garden, as last year I didn't and only was able to harvest about 1/2 c. of the flowers.  You can't make much tea or hair rinse out of that! Tiny little buggers.     My dear hubby has also gotten on the band-wagon and collected some random 2x4s from work that I will be making

Chicken Soup!

A week ago, it was cold here in MN, so the soup would have been perfect.  Now its forcasted to be near 70 degrees at least a couple days this week, so hot soup just doesn't seem right.  The rest is going in the freezer! Recipe HERE