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Showing posts from April 22, 2012

Micro Greens!

I thinned my radishes, kohlrabi and arugula the other day and thought that the arugula and radishes would be tasty on our mashed potatoes for dinner. They were a bit dirty. The radishes were quite spicy!  It was a nice surprise biting into them with the green onions and sour cream.   Aren't they cute?

Fresh, Real Eggs.

My neighbor brought over a carton of eggs for us and another couple.  Her son's grandparents have a plethora of chickens laying tons of eggs and gave her a couple dozen to share.  I may place an on-going order!  I had to have one last night, sunny-side up with a piece of toast before I went to bed.  They are soooo good.  And they are big, I'm guessing they'd be considered jumbo size and came in all beautiful shades of brown.   Some day I'll have my own chooks!