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2022 Garden Season is Almost Over--Watch a garden tour on my YouTube Channel!

    I'm sharing a video of my garden as it moves into the end of a great season of peppers, green beans, of course kale, but a lack-luster tomato season. This could partly be because I chose smaller tomato varieties and they just didn't get very big! The Valencia Orange were very productive, meaty and had a nice, sweet flavor. My Romas were not the best producers this year and seemed to have a leaf issue most of the summer. The Five-Star Grape tomatoes were and still are VERY prolific. The Green Zebra were just a bit meh. 

    I'd appreciate it if you could also subscribe to my YouTube channel if you feel so inclined! My first goal is to get 100 subscribers so I can have a real name on my channel instead of a random number and letter stream. Thank you in advance! 


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